About Mockup
US Letter Magazine Mock-up 3 is the perfect solution for creative professionals who want to present their US Letter magazine designs with attention to every detail. This mockup offers impressive realism with perfectly reproduced paper textures, natural shadows and professional shots that will make your design look like a finished product straight from the printer.
This tool is not only aesthetic, but also functional. Thanks to the technology of intelligent objects in Photoshop, swapping graphics is child’s play. The mockup offers a variety of perspectives, closed covers, open pages or dynamic views, which allow you to present both the details of the design and the overall aesthetic of the magazine. The options for personalizing the background and shadows give you full control over the final effect.
Key features:
- 10 photorealistic presentations,
- the possibility of adding and editing selective varnish,
- Photoshop CS 5 or higher compatible,
- 4000 ×2670 pixel resolution in 300 dpi quality,
- easy and fast editing via smart objects,
- organizaed Layers and folders,
- passibility of substitution background,
- atomatic background perspective,
- 8,5 x 11 in natural page size,
- passibility of add overprint at the page edges,
- passibility of add color at the inside parts of the cover.
Dedicated to
- amateurs and professionals
- creative people
- design studios
- freelancers
- graphic designers
- students
Why you should have it?
US Letter Magazine Mock-up 3 is the perfect choice for portfolios, presentations to clients or visualization of marketing materials. Stand out with quality and style, saving time and effort. This mockup allows you not only to present your design, but also to tell a story – the story of your vision, which thanks to it becomes a reality.