Bi-Fold A5 Horizontal Brochure Mock-up

About Mockup

Showcase your designs with modern professionalism using the Bi-Fold A5 Horizontal Brochure Mock-up. This versatile tool is perfect for visualizing promotional brochures, business proposals, or product catalogs. Every detail, from realistic shadows to naturally folded pages, creates a print-ready presentation effect.

Customization is both quick and intuitive. Effortlessly adjust colors, add graphics, insert text, and modify the background to fit your vision. The horizontal layout gives your brochure a distinctive look that grabs the attention of potential customers.

Key features:

  • 8 photorealistic presentations
  • Photoshop CS 5 or higher compatible
  • 4000×2677 pixel resolution in 300 dpi quality
  • easy and fast editing via smart objects
  • organizaed Layers and folders
  • passibility of substitution background
  • full control over the light and shadows
  • atomatic background perspective

Dedicated to

  • amateurs and professionals
  • creative people
  • design studios
  • freelancers
  • graphic designers
  • students

Why you should have it?